guile-lib: new (string posix) module, filename resolution procedures - proposal for inclusion

2020-08-25 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
* (filename-resolve-user filename) resolves ~ and ~user in string filename * (filename-resolve-variables filename) resolves variables in string filename Please comment! I used the LGPL v2 or later to add the option to include into Guile later on. I would like to hear your opinions on that.

Re: how to kill child process?

2020-08-25 Thread vapnik spaknik via General Guile related discussions
On Monday, August 24, 2020, 07:47:42 PM GMT+1, Sebastian Miele wrote: >When I put > >  (let ((pid  (primitive-fork)) >        (host        THE-HOST) >        (control  "~/.ssh/%C")) >    (if (eq? 0 pid) >        (execlp "ssh" "ssh" >                "-F" "none" >                "-S" control >