Dnia 2020-07-19, o godz. 18:22:17
"Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" napisał(a):
> Did you have a look at fibers and channels for this?
> https://github.com/wingo/fibers
Looks like exactly what I need, thanks!
> Best wishes,
> Arne
Jan Wielkiewicz
Jan Wielkiewicz writes:
> I'm implementing something like this right now. I'm adding a
> object to every object needing to do messaging.
> Once a message is received, the object will run message
> handler provided by the parent object.
> I'm surprised Guile isn't providing anything like this
Dnia 2020-07-17, o godz. 13:26:31
Zelphir Kaltstahl napisał(a):
> Hello Jan,
> to me this sounds like you need to implement perhaps 2 things:
> 1. a setter for the , which takes care of updating
> things, when a completely new is added.
> 2. some kind of observer pattern, where the reg