Delimeted continuations for gule-log guile-prolog and kanren

2013-10-05 Thread Stefan Israelsson Tampe
Hi all, Delimited continuations are a really nice feature in guile. I have now implemented that for guile-log and hence also for kanren and prolog. With it we can now do (use-modules (logic guile-log)) (use-modules (logic guile-log umatch)) ( (f) ( (i x) ( 'tag ( (i x)

Re: and-let* is not composable?

2013-10-05 Thread Ian Price
Panicz Maciej Godek writes: > presentation of Racket macro > system,, > where he points to a quite good introduction to "define-syntax" macros > by Greg Hendershott: I was also made aware of it recently, it