We are pleased to announce GNU Guile release 2.0.9, the next maintenance
release for the 2.0.x stable series.
This release contains 347 commits by 15 people over 4 months.
The Guile web page is located at http://gnu.org/software/guile/ .
Guile is an implementation of the Scheme programming langu
Panicz Maciej Godek writes:
> Section 3.5 (Streams), which introduces the notion
> of streams, or lazy lists (that can be infinite), with the
> most amazing example of Erastostenes' sieve,A (B
> implementation, as well as sections,A (B4.1,A (Band,A (B4.3,A (Bof
My pedant sense is tingl
Stefan Israelsson Tampe writes:
> Hi all,
> The program below is an interesting variant of a sieve that given an
> even number seams to constructs two primes that added together becomes
> the even
> number, the file below does this construction for n = 3 ... 1000.
Amusing, but I feel that co
I see that the style of your code is fairly unorthodox.
I'd suggest you to read the following chapters of SICP,
if you haven't already:
Section 3.5 (Streams), which introduces the notion
of streams, or lazy lists (that can be infinite), with the
most amazing example of Erastostenes' sieve
Actually, inserting a primality check 500 out of 1000 items is nonprime.
but this algorithm still shows some interesting aspect and adding to the
algorithm to sellect the inner pair that sum to n, we do get primality for all
n = 3 ... 1000. Kind of cool.