With guile 2.0.5 installing guile-lib 0.2.1 ./configure and make
run without problems. But "make check" say one test failed. See
attached file. There are some spanish messages. I don't know how
configure it to display all in english. Regards.Making check in src
make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/h
And if you want to dereference the returned struct pointer, use parse-c-struct
say, there's a returned C struct like:
aa { (int)1 ,(int)2 }
you may convert it to list like this:
(parse-c-struct aa (list int int))
==> (1 2)
Then the rest is list operation, has no part in C.
On Sun, May 20, 2012
cong gu writes:
> Is it possible to use the current dynamic ffi to call a C function
> whose parameter is a C struct (not a pointer to a C struct) ?
Although it is not documented in the manual, I see from the source code
that a C struct parameter can be specified using a nested list in the
Is it possible to use the current dynamic ffi to call a C function
whose parameter is a C struct (not a pointer to a C struct) ?
I cannot find much about it in the documentation. After a brief look
at the source of foreign.c of guile, I found guile actually does some
parsing of nested arg