Hi list !
At work, I recently pushed the idea to use an extention language for our
main product, which is a middle sized program written in C with many
threads, that must run quickly without without interruption 24/7, and
that have little memory nor CPU to spare.
As nobody comes with a better ide
() David Pirotte
() Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:45:01 -0300
maybe you should talk to the SDL webpage maintainer(s) to get
http://www.libsdl.org/languages.php updated, it's still point
to the old page.
Feel free to mention it to them yourself (i won't mind). I'm
reluctant to allocate time toward
Hi Andy,
I don't know, on the debian patch tracking system page for guile-gnome-platform,
patches are listed by names. I don't see these [MD5sum?] numbers you mentioned,
could you may be have a quick look @
on my box,
maybe you should talk to the SDL webpage maintainer(s) to get
http://www.libsdl.org/languages.php updated, it's still point to the old page.
;; --
Le Wed, 30 Jun 2010 21:51:27 +0200,
Thien-Thi Nguyen a écrit :
> Greetings earthlings,
> Guile-SDL repo is again online, but
Thien-Thi Nguyen writes:
> Guile-SDL repo is again online, but this time, no longer at gnuvola.org.
> Instead, you can find the savannah link through the new homepage:
> http://www.nongnu.org/guile-sdl/
Nice, again!
> This is "non-GNU" for now until testing shows that it can work wi