> (define (my-format bool string . list-of-nums)
> (apply format bool string (map set-precision list-of-nums)))
> (let ((a 2.0)
> (b 1/4)
> (c 1/3))
> (my-format #t "~&~a ~a ~a" a b c))
Awesome. Thanks. I knew there was something simple,
I just couldn't figure it out. T
Mark Polesky:
;; Hi.
;; How can I change the following code so that
;; it returns "2 0.25 0."? That is: return
;; integers without decimal point, otherwise
;; round to as many decimal places as needed,
;; but not more than 4.
(let ((a 2.0)
(b 1/4)
(c 1/3))
(format #t "~&~a ~a
Hi Julian,
Just to add to the melee, I have been thinking hard about this too.
Somehow output produced by a macro must have its free identifiers scoped
in the module that was current when the macro was defined.
This could mean that syntax objects need a new field, and that output
should be serial