How Linus distro like Fedora named all utilities binary file prefixed with grub2-*

2023-09-26 Thread document via Grub-devel
Hi, Anyone teach me how grub 2 build from source but all utilities binary file will prefixed with grub2-*, e.g /usr/bin/grub-mkimage will installed as /usr/bin/grub2-mkimage, yes, Fedora did it. I've checked some web pages especially ""; but

Re: How Linus distro like Fedora named all utilities binary file prefixed with grub2-*

2023-09-26 Thread document via Grub-devel
>> Hi, >> >> Anyone teach me how grub 2 build from source but all utilities binary file will prefixed with grub2-*, >> e.g /usr/bin/grub-mkimage will installed as /usr/bin/grub2-mkimage, yes, Fedora did it. >> >> I've checked some web pages especially "