I attached them but I think they didn't pass through. I put the three files
(topol.top, eq.mdp, urea.gro) on this gist:
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:
> On 2/4/14, 9:17 PM, Gabriele Lanaro wrote:
>> Hi! I'm trying to w
When we convert some atoms to a dummy atom (DUM) in a B state topology,
then does the Gromacs free energy code automatically take care of this
transformation in bonded terms (bond, angle, dihedral etc.) because we can
not define B state parameters corresponding to bonded terms of dummy atoms
in a t
On 2/4/14, 9:43 PM, Sidath Wijesinghe wrote:
yes it worked. i only added CA CA CZ CZ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in diheadral
block. since all 12 errors point the same kind of diheadral type.
How did you decide these parameters were appropriate? You're essentially saying
that the rotational b
On 2/4/14, 9:17 PM, Gabriele Lanaro wrote:
Hi! I'm trying to write a custom topology for the urea molecule. Taken from
the following paper http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp030534x.
I generated the bonds, angles, torsional dihedrals and improper dihedrals.
The scenario is as follows:
1) I
yes it worked. i only added CA CA CZ CZ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in diheadral
block. since all 12 errors point the same kind of diheadral type.
Then i tried to mdrun...i got this error message
Fatal error:
1 particles communicated to PME node 6 are more than 2/3 times the cut-off
out of the d
Hi! I'm trying to write a custom topology for the urea molecule. Taken from
the following paper http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp030534x.
I generated the bonds, angles, torsional dihedrals and improper dihedrals.
The scenario is as follows:
1) If I leave the bonds section the thing works wit
On 2/4/14, 6:16 PM, Chetan Mahajan wrote:
I am trying to run gdist command on supercomputing system Stampede. Even
though I enter full path to Gromacs installed, it gives error--gdist:
command not found. Could you tell me the real issue here?
export PATH=/opt/apps/intel13/mvapich2_1_9/gro
I am trying to run gdist command on supercomputing system Stampede. Even
though I enter full path to Gromacs installed, it gives error--gdist:
command not found. Could you tell me the real issue here?
export PATH=/opt/apps/intel13/mvapich2_1_9/gromacs/4.6.3/bin:$PATH
gdist -f lnanop.xtc -s l
On 2/4/14, 5:46 PM, Mark Abraham wrote:
IIRC 19 had only protein and same as 27!
CHARMM19 did indeed have only protein parameters, but CHARMM27 isn't actually a
protein force field, it's nucleic acids :) CHARMM19 is united-atom, while all
of the more recent versions of the force field (CH
I have posted this query two times in the forum, but got no reply. Can
anybody give an advice on the following question ...
I am trying to apply the REMD to study the difference between the folding
free energy of a 24 residue peptide with two different conformations. As I
am short of requir
IIRC 19 had only protein and same as 27!
On Feb 4, 2014 8:55 PM, "Sanku M" wrote:
> Hi
> I need to reproduce a simulation result which had been performed using a
> very old version of charmm forcefield (PARAMh19 forcefield). In order to
> reproduce it correctly, I would like to use same f
Dear Gmx Users,
I have 5 types of atoms which create a shape of the nonotube. 5 types of
beads correspond to future appliaction to which I will attach protein. I
wish the nanotube to be rigid and move in XY directions only. I created
bonds between all of them with app. b0=0.34 nm and a force const
I need to reproduce a simulation result which had been performed using a very
old version of charmm forcefield (PARAMh19 forcefield). In order to reproduce
it correctly, I would like to use same forcefield that had been used there.
I wonder whether there is any gromacs version of this old ch
This is not an appropriate question for the development list; please post to
You got a reply to this same question already:
If there are further questions based on that response, please post tho
On 2/4/14, 12:52 PM, gromacs query wrote:
When running grompp, yes, the order is significant and the coordinates
must match the topology.
am little confused about 'coordinates'. Say if I have two structures which
are well equlibrated and just represent two different configurations and
also th
>> When running grompp, yes, the order is significant and the coordinates
must match the topology.
am little confused about 'coordinates'. Say if I have two structures which
are well equlibrated and just represent two different configurations and
also the atom order matches with some common top fi
hi, i am new to gromacs. i was trying simulate multiple (eg. 3 or 4 )
carbon nanotubes in a single box. The way I am trying to do is ...
1. Take both pdb files, merge them(using pymol) according to my orientation
and create a single pdb file for the whole structure.
2. Generate the gro and hence t
On 2/4/14, 12:35 PM, gromacs query wrote:
Hi Justin
Presence of the correct atoms is the only absolute requirement
Thanks. Correct 'atoms' mean correct 'atom names'? so does that mean I
should rename my atoms according to rtp file?
Yes, atom names need to match. That's all that's in a c
Hi Justin
>> Presence of the correct atoms is the only absolute requirement
Thanks. Correct 'atoms' mean correct 'atom names'? so does that mean I
should rename my atoms according to rtp file?
Also one more question: I think atom order does matter when I load a pdb
and use some .top file? (and i
On 02/04/2014 06:02 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:
That shouldn't happen if the compressibility is zero. I can't suggest
anything else; the "incompressible along z" approach should work, but
I have no experience with it. As stated in the other thread, there is
a large burden of proof when doing tri
On 2/4/14, 11:50 AM, gromacs query wrote:
Hi All
I have built DNA with NAB in AMBER and it provide names as D*, D*3, D*5
(where * = A,T,G,C) and want to use charmm27 in gromacs. The
charmm27.ff/dna.rtp does not have D*5 or D*3 and has only D* residues, so I
renamed D*5 or D*3 to just correspon
On 2/4/14, 11:13 AM, Albert wrote:
On 02/04/2014 05:01 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:
This is exactly the same issue that was discussed last week. Please read
those posts.
I found that and have the following settings:
compressibility = 4.5e-5 0
but I don't know why the problem is st
Hi All
I have built DNA with NAB in AMBER and it provide names as D*, D*3, D*5
(where * = A,T,G,C) and want to use charmm27 in gromacs. The
charmm27.ff/dna.rtp does not have D*5 or D*3 and has only D* residues, so I
renamed D*5 or D*3 to just corresponding D* residues. The output pdb with
On 02/04/2014 05:01 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:
This is exactly the same issue that was discussed last week. Please
read those posts.
I found that and have the following settings:
compressibility = 4.5e-5 0
but I don't know why the problem is stil there: the vacuum layer
On 2/4/14, 10:59 AM, Albert wrote:
Hello Justin:
I took your advices and submit the system to MD simulations. After NVT, the
vacuum layer was still there. However, my pbc box shrinked to its orginal size
after NPT, and the vacuum layer was disapeared here is my compreasiblity
Hello Justin:
I took your advices and submit the system to MD simulations. After NVT,
the vacuum layer was still there. However, my pbc box shrinked to its
orginal size after NPT, and the vacuum layer was disapeared here is
my compreasiblity settings:
; Pressure coupling parameters
I strongly suggest that you consult the Blue Waters or other XK7
manual or talk to the support team. Understanding this hardware in
crucial in getting any reasonable performance.
As I said before, the inconsistency in your commands is that you
request nnodes x nppn = 2 x 16 MPI ranks which
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 1:51 AM, cyberjhon wrote:
> Dear Szilárd
> Thanks for your answer.
> To submit the job I do;
> qsub -l nodes=2:ppn=16,walltime=12:00:00
> Then, to run gromacs I can do:
> aprun -n 1 mdrun_mpi -deffnm protein
>Those qsub and aprun commands are not in lik
Dear Gmx Users,
I have a tube made of atoms connected in lines:
Picture here: http://speedy.sh/BTRHx/tube.png
The edges of the tube are on the box edges with pbc - tube is infinite in
lenght then. I wish this tube to move only in XY directions so I froze the
Z coordinate using freezedim and free
On 02/04/2014 02:50 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:
Elongate the box in the z-dimension and set its compressibility to
zero in the .mdp file. This issue was discussed at length just a few
days ago. Beware possible ordering artifacts of the interfaces.
Hi Justin:
many thanks for your fur
As genrestr -h warns, you need a position restraint files per moleculetype,
not for the whole set of such molecules.
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Andrew Bostick wrote:
> Hi all
> My system contain dopc + cholesterol + water + drug molecules.
> I want to do MD simulation with po
On 2/4/14, 8:43 AM, Andrew Bostick wrote:
I used following line in mdp file:
define = -DPOSRES_dopc -DPOSRES_chol
Is my manner true?
To do what? That will trigger the #include statements in the topology, but the
error message shown below indicates that you have not correctly created
On 2/4/14, 2:58 AM, Albert wrote:
Thanks a lot for such helpful suggestions.
I am struggled to the question how to add a vacuum layer to the system.
Unfortunately I didn't find any tutorial or detailed thread on this topic. Does
any body have any suggestions?
Elongate the box in the z-dimen
On 2/4/14, 5:15 AM, Marieke Schor wrote:
Hi, I would like to test the effect of low pH on the stability of my protein
hexamer. For the neutral pH case I used the AMBER99sb-ILDN forcefield but this
appears not to have parameters to describe a protonated C-terminus. I can only
find one paper that
On 2/3/14, 10:14 PM, Arunima Shilpi wrote:
Hello sir
Many many thanks for your suggestion. Here I generated the distances files
using your tutorial for Umbrellla sampling (perl distances.pl). The
confiugration I have selected was done manually . These co-ordinates
mentioned with spacing of 0.
On 2/3/14, 10:14 PM, Sidath Wijesinghe wrote:
i rechecked the opls/ff that i used and found some errors, after correction them
i got the .top file.
note that i was able to define the charge groups as well. when i use this .top
file with grompp,
now am getting 12 errors...as follwos..
Dear all,
I want to do a all-atom simulation of protein-DNA complex using gromacs
with opls forcefield. I see that the nucleic acid files are available at
this site ( http://rnp-group.genebee.msu.su/3d/ff.htm )
Can anyone let me know how to incorporate these files and run the
simulation ?
Also, A
I used following line in mdp file:
define = -DPOSRES_dopc -DPOSRES_chol
Is my manner true?
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Andrew Bostick wrote:
> Hi all
> My system contain dopc + cholesterol + water + drug molecules.
> I want to do MD simulation with position restraint on dopc and c
Hi all
My system contain dopc + cholesterol + water + drug molecules.
I want to do MD simulation with position restraint on dopc and cholesterol
I used following lines to obtain posre*.itp files:
genrestr -f npt.gro -n index.ndx -o posre_dopc.itp
genrestr -f npt.gro -n index.ndx -o
OK, thanks! :-)
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Szilárd Páll wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 2:31 AM, Mark Abraham
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 1:51 AM, cyberjhon wrote:
> >
> >> Dear Szilárd
> >>
> >> Thanks for your answer.
> >>
> >> To submit the job I do;
> >>
> >> qsub -l no
Thanks, sure I'll try it
2014-02-04 ABEL Stephane 175950 :
> hello,
> In our group, we have developed a tool called "trjVoronoi" that computes
> the molecular volume (i.e. Voronoi Volume) and the associated surfaces) of
> the whole cell and each molecular components from MD trajectories genera
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 2:31 AM, Mark Abraham wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 1:51 AM, cyberjhon wrote:
>> Dear Szilárd
>> Thanks for your answer.
>> To submit the job I do;
>> qsub -l nodes=2:ppn=16,walltime=12:00:00
>> Then, to run gromacs I can do:
>> aprun -n 1 mdrun_mpi -deffnm
g_sas may be what you are looking for.
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Андрей Гончар wrote:
> Hi all
> Is there a tool to calculate molecular volume for a whole MD trajectory?
> I.e. I'd like to see how does the molecule changes its volume during MD.
> I know that there are many e
g_sas is the tool for you.
Kind regards,
Erik Marklund, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Chemistry
Physical & Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
On 4 Feb 2014, at 10:52, Андрей Гончар wrote:
> Hi all
> Is there a t
In our group, we have developed a tool called "trjVoronoi" that computes the
molecular volume (i.e. Voronoi Volume) and the associated surfaces) of the
whole cell and each molecular components from MD trajectories generated with
You can download it here:
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 1:51 AM, cyberjhon wrote:
> Dear Szilárd
> Thanks for your answer.
> To submit the job I do;
> qsub -l nodes=2:ppn=16,walltime=12:00:00
> Then, to run gromacs I can do:
> aprun -n 1 mdrun_mpi -deffnm protein
Those qsub and aprun commands are not in like with each ot
Hi all
Is there a tool to calculate molecular volume for a whole MD trajectory?
I.e. I'd like to see how does the molecule changes its volume during MD.
I know that there are many external tools for this purpose, but maybe I'm
wrong and GROMACS already has something for that?
Thanks in advance
Hi, I would like to test the effect of low pH on the stability of my
protein hexamer. For the neutral pH case I used the AMBER99sb-ILDN
forcefield but this appears not to have parameters to describe a
protonated C-terminus. I can only find one paper that uses
AMBER99sb-ILDN with protonated
g_wham does only 1D PMF but can handle several restrains.
There is 2D code on Alan Grossfield website. Plumed refers to it.
On Feb 3, 2014, at 5:54 PM, "DAI, JIAN" wrote:
> Dear all:
> Is it possible for g_wham to calculate 2D PMF?
> It seems to me that g_wham can deal with this because the
Thanks a lot for such helpful suggestions.
I am struggled to the question how to add a vacuum layer to the system.
Unfortunately I didn't find any tutorial or detailed thread on this
topic. Does any body have any suggestions?
thank you very much.
On 01/31/2014 06:10 PM, Thomas Piggot
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