"mom": How to transition from two columns back to one?

2019-12-17 Thread Steve Ross via
Groff Mailing List, I'm a new user of "groff" and "mom", so please let me know if this is not the appropriate forum for my question... With version 2.4 of the "mom" macro package, and in its "document processing" mode (as opposed to the "typesetting mode"), I would like to put the majority of my

Unable (?) to subscribe to

2019-12-21 Thread Steve Ross via
Hi All, How do I subscribe to the mailing list ? I have gone (twice over the past couple of weeks) to the subscription page at and subscribed, but have not received any of the subsequent e-mails. What am I missing?  Am I on the subscriber list?  (To

"mom": text on second page is overstruck

2020-12-18 Thread Steve Ross via
Groff mailing list, I have a problem as I'm using the "mom" macro package. I have attached the text file named "mom-overstruck.txt" to (I hope) diagram the issue that I see on the second page of my PDF file.  I have two columns on both the first and second pages.  On the first page, I expect the

Re: "mom": text on second page is overstruck

2020-12-18 Thread Steve Ross via
At the request of Oliver Corff, I've attached two files: "test-macro-document-1.mom": The source file for "mom".  (Please excuse the random tests that fill the file.) "test-macro-document-1.pdf": The PDF output file that shows the problem of overstruck text on the second page, in the second col

Re: "mom": text on second page is overstruck

2020-12-19 Thread Steve Ross via
, Peter Schaffter wrote: On Fri, Dec 18, 2020, Steve Ross via wrote: > The "groff" version is 1.22.3.The "mom" version is 2.1-c_1.The command line > is:    $ groff -mom -Tpdf myText.mom > tmp.pdf Your document builds fine with the most recent versi

"mom": addition of ellipsis causes an over-strike

2020-12-19 Thread Steve Ross via
Groff mailing list, A (second) question about "mom" and over-striking of text. I started with the "mom" example file named "sample_docs.mom" and (only) added the Unicode "\[u2026]" for the ellipsis character in the middle of line 482. In the resulting PDF output file, the ellipsis appears on pag

Re: "mom": addition of ellipsis causes an over-strike

2020-12-21 Thread Steve Ross via
>> On Sun, Dec 20, 2020, Steve Ross via wrote: >> In the resulting PDF output file, the ellipsis appears on page 10, >> as expected.  However, on the same line, about six characters >> further to the right, I also see about three characters being >> over-struck, whic

groff "mom": How to add vertical space around bullet items?

2021-02-15 Thread Steve Ross via
All, I may have missed it in the "mom" documentation, but I'm looking for a way to adjust the vertical spacing between the ITEMs of a LIST. So, as an example output for a list with two list items:    o This is the first item of the list. This item wraps and spans two lines.   

"mom": Effect of TAB character?

2021-02-20 Thread Steve Ross via
Hi, A question on the "mom" macro set (version "mom-2.4-4_e") with "groff" 1.22.4 with regard to the TAB character... I have attached four files. - "correct-author-name.mom" -- a six-line "mom" file.  This file correctly produces "correct-author-name.pdf". - "correct-author-name.pdf" -- The PDF

Re: "mom": Effect of TAB character?

2021-02-20 Thread Steve Ross via
ot;mom" macro line *after* the macro name (and its arguments as well) is not correct. Please let me know if I'm missing anything.  Otherwise, sorry for the noise on the mailing list. -- Steve Ross On Saturday, February 20, 2021, 9:15:32 PM CST, Steve Ross via wrote: Hi, A quest

Re: Devpdf on RHEL8

2021-09-20 Thread Steve Ross via
Hi Olle, I'm not an expert on RHEL8 repositories, but I did look for the "groff-perl" package for RHEL8.  (That package is available in Fedora 34 as "groff-perl-1.22.4-7.fc34".)  However, the only two "groff" related packages that I see from the RHEL8 repository are "groff" and "groff-base". Th

How to use the "mom" '.FT' macro with a period?

2022-04-09 Thread Steve Ross via
Groffers, Following is the content of a "mom"-formatted file that poses a question to you. --- begin ---This is Roman font. .br This is a sentence ending with a word in the italic font (by using in-line escape sequences) before ending with a Roman font \fIperiod\fP. .br When using the "mom" macro

Re: How to use the "mom" '.FT' macro with a period?

2022-04-12 Thread Steve Ross via
My thanks to each of Thomas, Peter, and Ralph for their helpful responses and pointers to documentation.  -- Steve On Sunday, April 10, 2022, 03:42:11 AM CDT, Ralph Corderoy wrote: Hi Steve, Peter wrote: > \& is a zero-width, non-printing character whose most usual use-case > is to p

Margin formatting question for "mom"

2022-12-26 Thread Steve Ross via
All, Regarding formatting of margins using "mom"... Is there a way to change the top and bottom margins after the first page? I see that the macros "L_MARGIN", "R_MARGIN", "T_MARGIN" and "B_MARGIN" are available to set margins before the "START" macro.  Correspondingly, the "DOC_LEFT_MARGIN" and

UNDERSCORE formatting question for "mom"

2022-12-26 Thread Steve Ross via
All, Regarding the UNDERSCORE macro of "mom"... How do I added punctuation to the end of underscored text? Please see the attached input file named "underscore-plus-punctuation.mom" and the attached output PDF file named "underscore-plus-punctuation.pdf".  The input file contains two of my uns

Re: UNDERSCORE formatting question for "mom"

2022-12-27 Thread Steve Ross via
> Peter will probably have a more elegant (and likely more correct) > solution, but this may work for you: > > Replace the “\&.” with “\h'-\w' 'u'.”.  This worked for me in the one > experiment that I tried. > > --Dale Dale, Thank you for pointing me in the direction that you did.  I learned a lo

Re: [platform-testers] verification instructions for groff 1.23.0.rc2

2023-02-19 Thread Steve Ross via
On Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 11:30:49 AM CST, G. Branden Robinson wrote: > Thanks for pointing this out.  I've used it over the past week or so to > improve outcomes on macOS and Solaris 11 hosts.  I wasn't able to access > the Solaris 10 system because it and my Debian bullseye system don't