I have been trying to figure this out all morning! I have a handout with
the word "kataskeuê" in it. Every time I try to compile it (groff -Tpdf -k
-ms) I get the warning: warning: special character 'u0053_0326' not defined
(Same if I go the ps2pdf route)
Try and compile this minimal file
To answer my own question: It seems that preconv is not guessing the
correct encoding from the file with a single word in it. If I specify -K
utf-8 everything works OK.
preconv -v reports: GNU preconv (groff) version 1.23.0 with iconv support
and with uchardet support
Is this an expected shortco
A, thank you so much (I needed to RTFM!) - R.
On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 12:44 PM G. Branden Robinson <
g.branden.robin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> At 2024-02-19T12:40:16-0500, Robert Goulding via wrote:
> > To answer my own question: It seems that precon
I get a whole lot of errors of this type:
troff:/usr/local/share/groff/site-font/devpdf/CMUSerifR:13: error: font
description file name 'CMUSerifR' does not match 'name' argument 'cmunrm'
troff:/home/rdgoulding/.tmac/cmu.tmac:2: error: cannot load font
'CMUSerifR' for mounting
Many years ago,as a graduate student in the history of science, I read an
early-modern medical text that dealt with the method of "ſucking on ſores,"
which caused me chortle out loud in the British Library
Robert Goulding
Sent from my phone
On Fri, Jun 16, 2023, 1:07 AM G. Branden Robinson <
As an ordinary user and lurker on this list, it has been extraordinary to
watch this release come together. Congratulations!
Robert Goulding
Sent from my phone
On Wed, Jul 5, 2023, 10:36 PM Steve Izma wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 05, 2023 at 07:31:50PM -0500, Dave Kemper wrote:
> > Subject: Re: a morse
I tried to do this, but gxditview was not on my system (Crostini on a
Chromebook = Debian 11 (bullseye).
So I compiled again from source, making sure --with-x was added to
configure -- but although the configure output said that x libraries were
found, gxditview was not built.
One other little gl
OK, I managed to compile gxditview. Left-clicking brings up the menu; none
of the items are selectable.
And I figured out the "ln -s" problem. I downloaded the tarball into my
Downloads folder, which is a mounted filesystem from the point of view of
the Linux container. And "ln -s" always fails in