I would like to get Unicode fonts output, for characters like š Š ć Ć
č Č đ Đ ž Ž, but I cannot get it.
pdfmom -k letter.mom > out.pdf
gave me:
letter.mom:17: warning: can't find special character `u0063_030C'
Any clues what to do?
* Deri [2019-08-06 18:56]:
> On Tuesday, 6 August 2019 17:00:34 BST Jean Louis wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would like to get Unicode fonts output, for characters like š Š ć Ć
> > č Č đ Đ ž Ž, but I cannot get it.
> >
> > pdfmom -k letter.mom > out.pd
Find it in attachment.
.\" -*- mode: text; coding: utf-8; -*-
\# Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
\# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
\# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
\# notice and this notice are p
* Deri [2019-08-06 20:12]:
> One, my solution used underscores when it should have used hyphens, so the
> magic is U-!!
> Two, I have found, in your example, the .FAMILY line needs to come after
> The attached works Ok on my setup.
So if the file works on your side, on my side I
* Morten Bo Johansen [2019-08-06 20:43]:
> On 2019-08-06 Jean Louis wrote:
> > So if the file works on your side, on my side I get these
> > problems from the file you have prepared.
> >
> > So something is wrong on my system.
> I am not very familiar
* Peter Schaffter [2019-08-06 21:23]:
> On Tue, Aug 06, 2019, Deri wrote:
> > Two problems:-
> >
> > One, my solution used underscores when it should have used
> > hyphens, so the magic is U-!!
How do I create U- fonts?
Do I need to use devpdf/util/BuildFoundries somehow?
Is there example how
* Morten Bo Johansen [2019-08-06 20:43]:
> On 2019-08-06 Jean Louis wrote:
> > So if the file works on your side, on my side I get these
> > problems from the file you have prepared.
> >
> > So something is wrong on my system.
> I am not very familiar
* Morten Bo Johansen [2019-08-07 14:47]:
> On 2019-08-06 Jean Louis wrote:
> > I do not have LinBiolinumR so I need to figure out what to place
> > instead on that place jus to try it out.
> Many fonts have these glyphs, e.g. Arial, but the stock groff
> fonts l
* Dale Snell [2019-08-06 23:55]:
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2019, 12:33 PM Jean Louis wrote
> > How do I create U- fonts?
> The URW++ fonts (i.e., U-*) should be installed when you build
> Groff.
Maybe. I got it in GNU/Linux distribution, I did not build it
myself. Maybe I should la
* Deri [2019-08-07 00:00]:
> On Tuesday, 6 August 2019 20:33:14 BST Jean Louis wrote:
> > * Peter Schaffter [2019-08-06 21:23]:
> > > On Tue, Aug 06, 2019, Deri wrote:
> > > > Two problems:-
> > > >
> > > > One, my solution used underscores
* Deri [2019-08-07 00:00]:
> locate n019003l.pfb # note an alpha ell (not numeric one) before the
> .pfb
ls /usr/share/grace/fonts/type1/
d05l.afm n019003l.pfb n019023l.afm n019024l.pfb n021004l.afm
n021023l.pfb n022003l.afm n022004l.pfb n022024l.afm s05l.pfb
d05l.pfb n0190
I am welcoming licensing under GPL and recommend version 3 and any later
On October 10, 2019 7:19:06 PM UTC, Ulrich Lauther
>On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 03:45:54PM +0100, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
>> Hi Ulrich,
>> > I have written a small perlscript, that preprocesses tables and
>> >
* Angelo Mattia [2019-10-28 02:04]:
> Good morning,
> I'd like to know if it is possibile translate the entire groff manual in
> italian obtaining some money for this kind of work.
> Angelo Mattia.
It is good idea. You could hire somebody to translate it.
Dear Ingo,
Danke, I agree to most of what you said technically. Just one comment:
* Ingo Schwarze [2019-10-28 19:48]:
> For a program used by a relatively small and technical community
> like groff it makes even less sense than for software used by vast
> crowds of unskilled people. And for a l
* Ingo Schwarze [2019-10-28 21:00]:
> Salut Jean,
> Jean Louis wrote on Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 07:56:21PM +0530:
> > If you only refer to group of people who know computing and software,
> > those people anyway speak English and may not need any translations.
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