Anton Shterenlikht:
> This doesn't seem to have an effect on the cover or
> the front pages. Adding .PGNH removes page number
> from all consequtive pages, but not from these two.
I don't think the cover macros have anything to do
with the header, so this is strage. .PGHN works fine
for me
Anton Shterenlikht:
> I want the cover page to show no page number, the
> front page to show no number, and the first normal
> page to show page number 2. All pages after that
> I want to be numbered consequtively.
This is complicated and couldn't do it without fix-
ing mm. Maybe it's not wo
Anton Shterenlikht:
> However, I'm very reluctant to mess with mm/ms
> macro definitions locally. I'll live with the page
> number on the front page. The most annoying thing
> was the page number on the cover page, which is
> solved by .hd@set-page -1.
As a temporary solution, you can c
Keith Marshall:
> > That is solved by (thanks to Anton Shepelev >>)
> >
> > .hd@set-page -1
> >
> But that isn't really a good solution! It re-
> quires getting your hands dirty with the internal
> (private) details of the
Anton Shterenlikht:
> Now that I sorted out my empty lines, I get the
> cover page with no number.
> I tried groff -n option, but it seems to change
> the number of only the cover page, which is not
> shown anyway. The numbers of other pages are unaf-
> fected. Is this the expected beh
Keith Marshall:
> > I agree, but I didn't find a public mechanism to
> > do that.
> Does the attached achieve the desired effect?
> Agreed, it isn't intuitive: it's very picky about
> the placement of the reassignment of register 'P',
> and you have to set it to less than zero for it,
Ralph Corderoy:
> > Yes, and this is exactly what hd@set-page does.
> > The documentation doesn't say that P is not
> > read-only. I consider hd@set-page as a setter
> > of the field P and therefore preferable to set-
> > ting P directly. If it was not so trivial my
> > mehtod would
Keith Marshall:
> > Thanks, I missed the piece about hd*sect-pg.
> > My version is definitely better then.
> Except for one fairly important issue: you are ad-
> vocating exposure of what *should* be a private in-
> terface, (according to naming convention), and is
> thus *entirely* spe
I wrote:
> My other suggestion...
Correction: It is actually Anton Shterenlikht's,
while I only proposed a way to implement it.
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ - against proprietary attachments
> I can use -Tascii, but as you may have noticed,
> I'm not a English speaker, so I need send utf8
> mail, and formating with groff makes the work
> easy. Any advice?
Comment the mappings in share\groff\1.20.1\tmac\
unicode.tmac. This file is automatically loaded by
> > > I can use -Tascii, but as you may have no-
> > > ticed, I'm not a English speaker, so I need
> > > send utf8 mail, and formating with groff makes
> > > the work easy. Any advice?
> >
> > Comment the mappings in share\groff\1.20.1\tmac\
> > unicode.tmac. This file is automati
> [...] so I'm going to follow the Anton's advise.
I see you are still having \(hy as the hyphenation
character. You can specify a different character,
the ASCII '-' for example, in unicode.tmac or else-
where using the .shc request:
.shc -
() ascii ribbon campaign - agains
>Thanks Aton.I think it's good that the
> hyphenation character is independent of the rest
> of the glyph's assigna- tions. For now I'll let
> you rest of my newbie's questions, and I will con-
> tinue studying how groff works. But I think in
> a short time I'm go
> I've seen that hyphenation in mail is a bad idea.
Then justified text is the same in that it makes re-
formatting difficult.
> No other way to prevent multiple pages to .pl
> 1000?
Another way would be to set up transparent page
breaking, i.e. zero vertical margins, no keep
Ralph Corderoy:
> > mmst1: tr -d 15 < [infile]| groff -s -Kcp1251 -t
> > -Tutf8>[outfile].txt
> > mmst2: soelim [infile] | tr -d 15 | groff-Kcp1251 -t
> > -Tutf8>[outfile].txt
> >
> > With the included test file ( the first
> > call seems to
> Indeed. However, it's just a matter of taste to
> handle funny preconv and soelim cases with either
>soelim | groff -K ...
> (current groff) or with
>preconv -e... | groff -s ...
> (patched groff)
It didn't occur to me. There's no need to patch it
Jerome Frgacic:
> Here is the context : I'm student in Law and next
> year I will have to write a memorandum. Neverthe-
> less, this memorandum must be in MS Word format
> which displease me greatly. This format is im-
> posed to verify if we respect the instructions,
> and especially
Tadziu Hoffmann:
> Thanks! Out of curiosity, I just ordered a used
> copy.
You should not have hurried:
> The book costs 12 Euros, and shipping from Aus-
> tralia costs 18 Euros. :-|
I had to order Clarke E
Hello all,
I should like to typeset em dashes surrounded by
thin, say 1/4th en, spaces. To prevent a dash from
starting a new line, the first space must be un-
breakable. The second one must be discardable.
Both spaces must be unstretchable. How to do it?
The '\h' describption re
Peter Schaffter:
> Werner, you have fulfilled the role perfectly, and
> I know I speak for everyone on the list when I say
> you have earned not only our respect, but our ad-
> miration. Being a lead developer entails qauli-
> ties that go far beyond coding skills, not the
> least of which
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