> On 6 Oct 2024, at 00:22, G. Branden Robinson
> wrote:
> Unix nroff got frozen
> in amber in 1978 with respect to terminal support, and continues to live
> in a world where the termcap and terminfo libraries were never written.
Nroff did actually read in the output description from, if I
At 2024-10-05T17:32:44-0500, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2024-10-05T14:08:12+, Lennart Jablonka wrote:
> > The function strstr expects a null-terminated string. You could use
> > memmem instead of strstr.
> Thanks, yes--I'll do something like that.
That tugged on a bit of loose yarn bu
Hi Jaap,
At 2024-10-06T14:54:59+0200, Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
> > On 6 Oct 2024, at 00:22, G. Branden Robinson
> > wrote:
> >
> > Unix nroff got frozen in amber in 1978 with respect to terminal
> > support, and continues to live in a world where the termcap and
> > terminfo libraries were never wr
For years JHU had a KSR37 with a Greek box and nroff drove it direcly
sending all those ESC-8 and ESC-9 things. There were some output
filters that converted this to things like the Diablo daisy wheels and
even the rather crude dot matrix lineprinter we had.
Eventually, George Toth, one of our