At 2024-06-23T19:13:27-0500, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> Decisions still to be made:
> 3. Whether to alter the behavior of the `ad` request, as the attached
> patch contemplates. Doing so accommodates man page authors' DWIM
> intentions, at some risk to altering t
Hi Anton,
...returning to this after a digression on alignment/adjustment...
At 2024-06-18T02:01:24+0300, Anton Shepelev wrote:
> G. Branden Robinson:
> In my sources, I tend to format the declarations of my
> functions in similar manner, e.g.:
>void sort
>(void * data, /* pointer
The bug is shown in the example by
.ad l
mno pqr\p
stu vwx\p
yza bcd\p
Result is (links, no adjustment, unchanged=previous)
yza bcd
instead of
yza bcd
With my patch it is
yza bcd
with other parts unchanged from upstream.
All the different implementations (also "plan9
Hi Bjarni,
I urge you to read my earlier messages in this thread carefully. They
address every point you're making.
At 2024-06-25T00:05:40+, Bjarni Ingi Gislason wrote:
> The bug is shown in the example by
> .ad l
> mno pqr\p
> .na
> stu vwx\p
> .ad
> yza bcd\p
> Result is (links,