Fixes: 52f661f080f9 ("[man page]: Parallelize output driver intros.")
src/devices/grotty/ | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/devices/grotty/ b/src/devices/grotty/
index 41eabbcfa..24cea9801 100644
--- a/src/devices/grotty/
This has nothing at all to do with making it easier to customize the
look of man pages.
Use of hardcoded SGR escape sequences persists as a fallback but should
probably be dropped. If it stays, I’m unsure of the interface to
grotty. The -T disabling the fallback seems hackish.
Hyperlinks are st
Hi Lennart,
At 2023-08-19T19:33:10+, Lennart Jablonka wrote:
> Fixes: 52f661f080f9 ("[man page]: Parallelize output driver intros.")
> ---
> src/devices/grotty/ | 1 -
> 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
Thanks! Applied and pushed.
Also, since it's been a while since I've mentioned
Hi Lennart,
Thanks a lot for taking a stab at this!
In lieu of a proper code review, I'll just riff on this to get the
issues out before an audience.
At 2023-08-19T20:08:06+, Lennart Jablonka wrote:
> This has nothing at all to do with making it easier to customize the
> look of man pages.