Dear members,
I've switched to OpenBSD recently and noticed unexpected behaviour of the
PDFPIC macro: There's no vertical space reserved.
The culprit seems to be the use of '\n' in the line where sed is used (line 89):
. sy pdfinfo @$1 | \
grep "Page *size" | \
sed -e 's/Page *size: *\\([[:d
Hi Hans,
> I've noticed a suggestion in the "Problems with .PDFPIC caused by
> pdfinfo" thread to use awk instead of sed.
The original also uses grep(1) and sed(1) when sed could do the
This shows how it can be done with awk(1).
$ pdfinfo foo.pdf |
> awk '/^Page size:/ {print
Hi Ralph,
> > awk '/^Page size:/ {print ".nr pdf-wid (p;"$3")"; print ".nr pdf-ht
> (p;"$5")"}'
> .nr pdf-wid (p;595)
> .nr pdf-ht (p;842)
> $
Thanks, this helped.
Changed the appropriate lines into:
. sy pdfinfo @$1 | \
awk '/^Page size:/ {print ".nr pdf-wid (p;"$3")"; \
On Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 06:49:11PM +0100, Hans Bezemer wrote:
> Hi Ralph,
> > > awk '/^Page size:/ {print ".nr pdf-wid (p;"$3")"; print ".nr pdf-ht
> > (p;"$5")"}'
> > .nr pdf-wid (p;595)
> > .nr pdf-ht (p;842)
> > $
> Thanks, this helped.
> Changed the appropriate lines into: