Hi, Bertrand!
At 2021-04-10T11:30:13+0200, Bertrand Garrigues wrote:
> Hi Branden,
> On Thu, Apr 08 2021 at 12:24:56 PM, "G. Branden Robinson"
> wrote:
> > That's my understanding. I inquired after an rc2 a few weeks ago[1]
> > but nothing has come of it as yet.
> I will probably need to
Hello again, Bertrand,
I managed to incorrectly prepare that suggested list of changes for a
1.23.0.rc2 release announcement.
I'm attaching what is, I think, a version without lines missing in the
middle of items.
I apologize for my confusion.
Changes since groff 1.23.0.rc1
Hi folks,
I said I'd follow up on my personal set of fish to fry, so here we go.
We missed the release freeze for the next Debian stable release, which
may be a parochial concern of mine, but I'm sad nevertheless... :(
At 2020-10-10T20:56:49+1100, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> We have a formal ex