On 21.10.20 22:21, Wim Stockman wrote:
maybe you can start by reading the book.
it has new life on github.
Thank you for the link. However I am specifically asking the top-poster
Pierre-Jean how he achieves the following in his utmac-macro
Hello Johann,
Johann Höchtl wrote:
> .../neatroff/roff -mu-fonts -mus para.tr | ../neatpost/pdf -pa4 > out.pdf
u-fonts only contains macros shared by all fonts and does nothing by
itself, you should use u-libertine or u-biolinum instead:
roff -mus -mu-libertine para.tr | pdf -pa4 > out.p
Hello Johann,
Johann Höchtl wrote:
> Your help would be very appreciated. BTW How comes that section headings
> work as a forward reference? Can I move with utmac the complete TOC to
> the frontmatter without using psutils or the likes?
The makefile, in the utmac/demo, runs three passes of roff
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 21:16:45 +0200
Marc Chantreux wrote:
> > I?ve not used another editor where you can pipe chunks of text *ad
> > hoc* through scripts or even awk/perl one-liners.
> except ed, sam (AFAIR), and every vi clones i used.
In emacs, you select the chunks of text, press M-|, and t