On 2/22/19, Dave Kemper wrote:
> On 2/21/19, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
>> Will the digit space (\0) do?
> It would if it were breakable.
...though this brings up a good point, that the documentation should
probably be amended to explicitly state that \0, \|, and \^ are
unbreakable. I had to
You might try using "\:", which is a zero-width break point, similar to
"\%", except that it doesn't have the hyphen. I have not tested this, but
you should be able to do something like "mrphl\|\:blrphl" and the two words
should be separated by a thinspace
that can break. At least, I think it sho
*> (although groff was installed from a pre-built package (or "bottle")),
the only options were the "--prefix" option and "--without-x".*
There used to be three other options as well:
--with-gropdf (Enable PDF output support)
--with-grohtml (Enable HTML output support (implies --with-gropdf))