Am Mittwoch, 22. August 2018, 19:21:19 CEST schrieb Ralph Corderoy:
> Hi Heinz,
> > What I did, is adding --text to grep
> >
> > .sy pdfinfo @$1 | grep --text "Page *size" | ..
> `tr -d \\0' deletes ASCII NUL bytes, e.g.
> $ printf 'foo\0bar\n' | wc
> 1 1 8
> $
Hi Ingo,
> > If there's expansions for U+2661 `white heart suit', or U+2665
> > `black heart suit', etc., then they're `H'.
> Besides, they do not have an ASCII representation, and i really
> wouldn't see see the point in adding one, given that they don't even
> have a groff character name - a
> > I wonder if John Gardner's HTML-canvas renderer could lay down text
> > in a dark grey that's additive to what's already there, thus
> > over-striking would have an effect, e.g. `\z~o' as well as bold.
Does this not work already? Overstriking diacritics should work the same
for the renderer be