Is there some way that I can print a file that contains wide
characters with the "ps" device?
I need to use the ps device to preserve the typography (it
seems), but the wide characters are not printed correctly.
I suppose that I need to specify a utf8 font for the ps output
I use th
> produces the expected output (with all lines of equal length)
> when using basic groff,
because *all* lines are the default length
> but changes line length in the foo environment when using the
> -me macro set.
because the line length in environment 0 ("normal" text) has been
changed b
Morten Bo Johansen wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there some way that I can print a file that contains wide
> characters with the "ps" device?
> I need to use the ps device to preserve the typography (it
> seems), but the wide characters are not printed correctly.
> I suppose that I need to specify a ut
Volker Wolfram wrote:
> I'm using this command in my printing workflow:
> This is my workflow makefile:
> ---snip
> template = text
> default:
> echo $(template)
> text:
> groff -Tps -k -K utf-8 -dpaper¤l -P-pa4 -P-l -mm $(template).tr >
> $(template).ps
> ps2pdf14 $(te
El día Friday, February 24, 2012 a las 08:35:36PM +0100, Volker Wolfram
> This is my workflow makefile:
> ---snip
> template = text
> default:
> echo $(template)
> text:
> groff -Tps -k -K utf-8 -dpaper=a4l -P-pa4 -P-l -mm $(template).tr >
> $(template).ps
> ps2pdf14