Anton Shepelev wrote, On 01/26/2012 02:53 PM:
I don't have access to any other implementation of
troff than groff, but I have consulted "The Docu-
menter's Workbench", and it seems that groff's mm
signature macros have incompatibilities more serious
than the omission of the title, and so
Anton Shepelev wrote, On 01/28/2012 04:58 PM:
Ken Mandelberg:
It seems like AU/AT with the MM macros is not
working properly.
Here is a simple test
.AU "John Smith"
.MT 5
So the AT title string never comes out, and
Ken Mandelberg:
> I tested the patch. It does indeed fix the single
> author with title case.
> However, there still is one difference between
> groff and troff. In troff the signature comes out
> bold and in groff it doesn't. Any thoughts on
> that?
OK, I have modified the patch (at
Ken Mandelberg:
> I've attached the ascii and postscript output. It
> gets the multiple authors and author titles right
Looks like your version of mm completerly ignored
the last three arguments to AU: location, deparment
and initials. I am not sure it is correct either.
> Please, check if the attached patch has fixed your problem.
BTW, thanks for working on this :-)
Please tell me if you have found a patch which I can apply to the
> Please tell me if you have found a patch which I
> can apply to the repository.
This is bound to be difficult because I don't have
an exact specification of how mm _should_ typeset
the signature, and have to try to imitate it based
on tests -- the black box method...
Hi Anton,
> This is bound to be difficult because I don't have an exact
> specification of how mm _should_ typeset the signature, and have to
> try to imitate it based on tests