Vannevar Bush:
> It parses and shows me the whole page. What if I
> want to parse only OPTIONS section ? I am looking
> for something like :-
>groff -X -P -resolution -P100 -man -parse-section "OPTIONS" passwd
Here is my quick, dirty and incomplete solution:
.nr skip 0u \" Flag to in
Dear Siteshwar, excuse me for addressing you as Van-
nevar Bush.
Please, add the following two lines to the beginning
of the file:
.if !d secf .ds secf \" If not specified on commandline, init secf here.
I somehow missed them when copying.
I have attached the full working file for convenience.
Description: Unix manual page
On 01/23/2012 08:42 PM, James K. Lowden wrote:
The problem can be broken into two parts: the creation of semantic
information from man pages, and the use of that semantic information by
your shell.
Suppose you used, say, unroff to populate a database of commands and
their options, and wrote two
>> Could you provide a patch which I can directly apply to the
>> groff CVS?
> Attached. Log message should probably include something to the
> effect of "make .bl work inside blocks" or so.
Applied, thanks!
> By the way, I've also figured out why the centering of wide blocks
> in the "me" ma
> Philip Guenther pointed out to me that the acronym "XBD" stands for
> "X/Open Base Definitions", not "X/Open System Interface Definitions",
> see for example:
> Hence, i propose the following patch to mdoc(7).
> If you agree with this,