On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Tadziu Hoffmann
> Fortunately, you can fix the problem in the same way as before:
> .bl 49
> .pp
> Here is text.
> .pp
> Here is text.
> .(c
> \!.ne 20
> \!.rs
> .bl 20
> center me
> .bl 20
> .)c
> .pp
> Here is text.
That does get the job do
> So, perhaps the patch to the .bl macro as in your subsequent example
> ought to be applied to groff's e.tmac (maybe with a comment to explain
> what is going on, though e.tmac is pretty light on comments to begin
> with, and they all get stripped from the installed version anyway).
> Does that s