> A related question (which I can probably solve experimentally, but
> would be obliged if anyone who knows could tell me) is whether the
> re-definitions of \[lq], \[rq], ? and ! will demote them from their
> default status as "end-of-sentence characters" thereby suppressing
> the extra sentence-
I can add some little things about french punctuation:
1) quotes inside quotes
In that case, we use english quotes.
Usually without spaces, like this:
Il a écrit : « Il a dit : “Bonsoir” ».
2) suspension point
It seems that in english we should write:
dot - short space - dot - short s
> 2) suspension point
> It seems that in english we should write:
> dot - short space - dot - short space - dot
> and add another dot to close the sentence.
Well, this is a matter of style (and much debate).
In practice, all variants exist, from fully spaced to
very thin spaced, and from "three
On 19/05/10 09:45:03, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
> Just wondering... what did all the typesetters do in the
> centuries before unicode was invented?
They actually did it correctly, taking as much time as was necessary,
and without having computer programmers looking over their shoulder
trying to tel
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:39:20AM +1000, Robert Thorsby wrote:
> Subject: Re: [Groff] French punctuation
> Without trying to re-open the debate about the "correct" spacing
> between the dots in the ellipsis, my Bible on the subject [the NSW
> Government Printer's "Printing Style Manual" first
> On a related topic: is anyone having a problem with the French
> hyphenation dictionary? I can't get it to work with 1.20.1,
> even though there's a note in the ChangeLog about fixing a typo in
> tmac/hyphen.fr.
This change is only in the CVS.
> From what I can tell the only differ
[about latin2 support for groff]
Since this topic is possibly of broader interest, I'm CCing this mail
to the groff mailing list. It's nothing new, but...
This version is far too old. The current one is 1.20.1.
> OS: openSuSE 11.2
Sigh. If you don't need Japanese supp