[Groff] inability to process german umlauts

2009-04-08 Thread Jan-Herbert Damm
Dear List, if somebody can tell me where to start digging into the following problem i am grateful: I like to use "groff -mom" for typesetting. Recently i set up a new system changing the locale from iso-8859-1 to utf8. I use vim to write texts. German umlauts now produce the following errormess

Re: [Groff] inability to process german umlauts

2009-04-08 Thread Chris Schaller
Jan, encountered this one, too. What's your fileencoding in vim (:set fileencoding?). You might want to try to set it either to utf-8 or latin-1. Latter worked for me despite having encoding set to utf-8. So you are experiencing a vim configuration issue here... See also :h encoding and :h fileen

Re: [Groff] inability to process german umlauts

2009-04-08 Thread Jan-Herbert Damm
Larry Kollar wrote on 08.04.09: > > Jan-Herbert Damm wrote: > >> I like to use "groff -mom" for typesetting. Recently i set up a new >> system >> changing the locale from iso-8859-1 to utf8. I use vim to write >> texts. >> German umlauts now produce the following errormessages: > > Try adding

Re: [Groff] inability to process german umlauts

2009-04-08 Thread Jan-Herbert Damm
Chris Schaller wrote on 08.04.09: > encountered this one, too. What's your fileencoding in vim (:set > fileencoding?). You might want to try to set it either to utf-8 or > latin-1. Latter worked for me despite having encoding set to utf-8. So > you are experiencing a vim configuration issue here..

Re: [Groff] inability to process german umlauts

2009-04-08 Thread Larry Kollar
Jan-Herbert Damm wrote: I like to use "groff -mom" for typesetting. Recently i set up a new system changing the locale from iso-8859-1 to utf8. I use vim to write texts. German umlauts now produce the following errormessages: Try adding the -k option to groff. This calls the preconv pr