On 05-Apr-07 06:51:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi!
> Can groff or eqn print out floor() |_ _| and ceil() |- -| characters?
eqn recognises keywords "floor" and "ceiling2, and adjusts their
heights to match enclosed expressions using "left" and "right",
as in:
left floor {x over y} rig
Hi Janez,
> Can groff or eqn print out floor() |_ _| and ceil() |- -| characters?
Yes. See the first paper listed in the eqn section, in particular its
section 16, "Big Brackets, Etc.".
left floor x over y right floor <=
left ceiling a over b righ
Thanks to Raph and Ted for their help in my last question. Now I have
another one. I need different left and right margins on odd- and
even-numbered pages using the ms macros. This is dealt with PO and LL number
registers, but I somehow need to alter them according to whether a page is
odd- or
I'm not familiar with the MS macro package, but the man package
I worked with 15-20 years ago does a top-of-page routine. You
can take the page number, check for even/odd, and alter the page
offset accordingly. Just make sure you do it before anything
gets sent to output storage for post-process
Another possibility:
.wh 0 \" When at top of page
if-else % is odd or even
.po\" set page offset to desired setting.
The macros probably already have a .wh 0 trap, so you may need to
work around that problem. That's why I prefer hacking the actual
top-of-page macro.
I have done this by setting the page offset in the PT macro:
.nr P3 1.5i \" Page offset for odd pages (see PT)
.nr P4 2i\" Page offset for even pages (see PT)
.\" PT - page top
.\" modified to handle different margins for even and odd pages
.de PT
.ie o .nr PO \\