[Groff] Re: Bug in HM and FM ms macros

2006-07-02 Thread Werner LEMBERG
[I've Cc'ed the groff mailing list to reach a broader audience.] > I'm using GNU groff version 1.19.2, but I've observed this problem > with previous versions going back several years. Using the ms macro > package, the HM (header margin) and FM (footer margin) variables > don't appear to have an

Re: [Groff] Sun's troff now available

2006-07-02 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> The sort of thing I have in mind is targeted right at the line which > is about to be output, as follows lines. Suppose you have formatted > output lines (say, as you mentioned, in a narrow-column context) > like: > >This formatted line needs >smaller spaces. So track kern- >i

Re: [Groff] Sun's troff now available

2006-07-02 Thread Larry Kollar
Werner LEMBERG wrote: If you had a "pre-output" macro (just as you can have macros which are sprung by bottom-of-page, so you could have macros sprung by "about to output line"), then this could look at [...] Similar to TeX I think it is next to impossible to find a suitable macro interface f

RE: [Groff] Spam

2006-07-02 Thread Ted Harding
On 01-Jul-06 walter harms wrote: > hi people, > i get a bunch of spam since a few days via this list. > > Am i the only one or have some more people seen spam also ? > > re, > wh I should think everyone has. And not just the last few days. Last Thu-Fri (22-23 June) I got 12 such messages. The

Re: [Groff] Sun's troff now available

2006-07-02 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> Wasn't there a compile-time option for hanging punctuation at one > time, similar to the widow/orphan option? A quick grep doesn't turn > it up in the source, so perhaps I was hallucinating. You were smoking something :-) Werner ___ Groff mai

Re: [Groff] Spam

2006-07-02 Thread Robert Thorsby
On 2006.07.03 01:50 Ted Harding wrote: Of course, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is our Werner Lemberg, which is why these messages were allowed through to the list, since Werner is of course subscribed to the list. These "From:" addresses are of course forged, and no blame whatsoever can be attributed to

Re: [Groff] Spam

2006-07-02 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> Why doesn't the list do lookups for addy validation? It would be > easy for those who post from a number of locations to subscribe from > multiple addresses -- or is mailman in need of further options? I've forwarded Ted's mail to the Savannah people. Werner