On 01/02/2006, at 3:31 PM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
When implementing a feature requires less work than a few
workarounds, isn't it time to implement the feature :-) ?
Hehe. Have a look at this old patch which I've received six years
ago from Abramo.
If you find it useful, and so
On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 09:50:50PM -0500, Robert Goulding Goulding.2-at-nd.edu
|groff| wrote:
> By coincidence, I was trying to find sc a while back (to try it out for
> managing student grades etc.) but couldn't find it. Where can it be
> downloaded, and does it compile easily for Mac OSX?
Robert Goulding wrote:
Has there been any movement on the groff wiki? Yet more
interesting snippets and tips have been posted recently - it would
be nice to preserve them somewhere accessible!
I've been adding the tips and other goodies I have archived -- in
fact, I had intended to poin