Hi list,
is there an easy way to place a picture ?
The design (a4 long):
two on top of each other with 4 and 3 columns. The "empty" column should
be filled with a piucture. i tried with .PSPIC and \X:import
but causing havoc the to page onlY
basicly it should look like this. 2 tables and X mar
On 14-Nov-05 walter harms wrote:
> Hi list,
> is there an easy way to place a picture ?
> The design (a4 long):
> two on top of each other with 4 and 3 columns. The "empty" column
> should
> be filled with a piucture. i tried with .PSPIC and \X:import
> but causing havoc the to page onlY
> b
> > But this is a consequence of wrapping it in \{...\}, so if
> > you just remove the quotes from your argument it comes out
> > right.
No, this interpretation appears to be incorrect. The \{...\}
is at best ineffective here. You can see this if you define
the macro as follows:
.de temp
# arg
Just wanted to clarify a few things about environments. The
idea of environments is to define several different "parameter
sets" for formatting, with the purpose of being able to easily
switch between them (e.g., one environment for the normal body
text, one for footnotes, etc.), and to be able t
hi list,
hi Ted,
finally i got the macro working
can you please check my changes ? i got the idea from the grops man-page.
.ds mypic \Z'\v'-0.5c'\h'22.5c'\X'ps: import abibild.eps 204 276 404
516 175000''
please note the \v \h . i used them to place the picture.
Then import name is abibild.e
V P C L X V AA r I e a I mL o A v n A bI z L i a G iU a I t x R eM c S ra A n 1,22 3,75 3,32 http://www.temptehimo.com
Bug-groff mailing list
Ah, and I forgot to emphasize that one of the most
important aspects of environments is that the current
"partially collected line" is part of the environment.
Using environments, you can collect and format several
different "threads" in parallel.
There were some issues with getopt.h on, for example, Tru64. On that
platform, stdio.h #include's getopt.h, so the __GETOPT_PREFIX was not
set when groff's getopt.h was included, leading to linker errors.
The solution is simply to move the __GETOPT_PREFIX #define to before all
the #include sta