Is there an easy way to convert groff input (using the mm macros, in
my case) to LaTex input?
I'm aware of tr2latex, but it's now 13 years old, and pre-groff.
(Moreover, it crashes my Mac OS Tiger.)
Bob Marks
Robert MARKS, Australian Graduate School of Management,
On 10/5/05, Robert Marks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there an easy way to convert groff input (using the mm macros, in
> my case) to LaTex input?
Not that I am aware of. You'll have to write an editing script with
the language of your choice. I''d discard sed only on the basis that
it is a pai
> > Here is a toy model of a much better approach. [...]
> >
> > (Note also that the technique is not really new -- LaTeX
> > has been using an analogous approach for a *long* time.)
> Indeed. It would be great if you can volunteer to
> add something like this to the ms macros.
Here is a si
Robert Marks wrote:
> Is there an easy way to convert groff input (using the mm macros, in
> my case) to LaTex input?
> I'm aware of tr2latex, but it's now 13 years old, and pre-groff.
> (Moreover, it crashes my Mac OS Tiger.)
It's kind of a roundabout way of doing it, but you could try using