Those who leave the default (correct, easy) path experience (discover)
Thus the dogma is:
You shall (must) always follow the default (correct, easy) path.
How does your path enlighten you?
On 8/7/23, Bjarni Ingi Gislason wrote:
> Brandon's answer is in comment #1
> "1. I do not require this lecture."
> This is in your mind.
> What is this in other readers mind?
In my mind, the test suite is for the benefit of developers, and
groff's primary developer and author of 99% of
[Sent originally to bug-groff, bug #64509; Wed 02 Aug 2023]; see]]
An example is "".
After adding
.ds MF I
to the INPUT in a line before '.TH ...'
I get the expected result.
Tests should be independent of the surroundings and shoul