Re: groff_mm(7)'s use of periods before macro names is inconsistent.

2021-07-18 Thread Ingo Schwarze
a >> leading period. In similar cases in groff_ms(7) and groff_man(7) the >> periods are always used. Also, in the text of paragraphs >> groff_mm(7)'s use of periods before macro names is inconsistent: >> sometimes it uses them, and sometimes it does not. You can see

Re: groff_mm(7)'s use of periods before macro names is inconsistent.

2021-07-17 Thread G. Branden Robinson
eriods are always used. Also, in the text of paragraphs > groff_mm(7)'s use of periods before macro names is inconsistent: > sometimes it uses them, and sometimes it does not. You can see this > in the paragraph for GETST, where in the body refers to ".SETR" with > t

groff_mm(7)'s use of periods before macro names is inconsistent.

2021-07-17 Thread T. Kurt Bond
In the list of macros in groff_mm(7) the macro names in the headings of paragraphs in the "Macros" section are never specified with a leading period. In similar cases in groff_ms(7) and groff_man(7) the periods are always used. Also, in the text of paragraphs groff_mm(7)'s use of