> There has been a bit of discussion recently regarding the uploadingĀ
> of examples of [gt]roff in action. So I munged an example from one of
> my documents.
Thank you for sharing. I managed to (more or less) replicate your
example using your code.
While I don't understand it all, yet, I am expe
On 22/12/23 04:25, Deri wrote:
The example pdfs in the "doc" section of the groff release are good examples
of what can be achieved with groff. Particularly Peter's mom examples which
come with the source code as well.
They are excellent documents, and if I had been starting out in groff a
On Thursday, 21 December 2023 04:06:53 GMT Robert Thorsby wrote:
> The attached PDF file shows the output where I have run text to the
> right of a left-aligned EPS image. The file itself contains the gory
> details.
The example pdfs in the "doc" section of the groff release are good examples