Re: [groff] Groff output when using .2C and ms macros

2019-04-17 Thread Karthik Suresh
I've also tried inserting an extra .PP and that doesn't do anything. Actually, it does something, namely adding even more space. Remove this .PP first. The rest of the extra space is produced by the .NH macro. You can prevent this space by adding .ns before the .NH. (I wonder why this is not

Re: [groff] Groff output when using .2C and ms macros

2019-04-17 Thread Doug McIlroy
The difference between your example and Brian's is that in yours, .2C mode starts mid-page while in his it starts at top of page. The trouble will go away if put .ns before the first .NH. The page-head macros do this automatically. Doug

Re: [groff] Groff output when using .2C and ms macros

2019-04-17 Thread Tadziu Hoffmann
> I've also tried inserting an extra .PP and that doesn't do > anything. Actually, it does something, namely adding even more space. Remove this .PP first. The rest of the extra space is produced by the .NH macro. You can prevent this space by adding .ns before the .NH. (I wonder why this is no

[groff] Groff output when using .2C and ms macros

2019-04-17 Thread Karthik Suresh
Hi, I get a strange result when using ms macros in 2 column format. The two columns on the first page don't seem to be aligned at the top. Here's a link to the document with an extract of the groff source I've used below.