Am Montag, 26. Juni 2006 18:25 schrieben Sie:
> This looks fascinating. It would be very useful for documenting some
> of the less user-accessible tmac packages (-me, especially).
> Can you make it available somewhere for download? - Robert.
I'd prefer that someone looks at it before i put it
This looks fascinating. It would be very useful for documenting some
of the less user-accessible tmac packages (-me, especially).
Can you make it available somewhere for download? - Robert.
On Jun 26, 2006, at 11:35 AM, Erich Hoffmann wrote:
Hello all.
I'm rather hesitating to present my pr
Hello all.
I'm rather hesitating to present my project here which perhaps does
not make sense to anyone but myself.
It is a tmac file that formats and outputs tmac files, called
"ac.tmac". The tarball is in bz2 format 15KB size (tarball with
ac.tmac alone 9,5KB), containing the tmac file itse