Re: Unable to get GROFF_ENCODING to seep through to sourced subfiles

2020-11-14 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello alls, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote: > This is a groff pipeline fault (or preconv should vanish and any > file opened should internally be handled by the right encoding, > which i think would be even better), also see > > I must add

Re: Observations using utmac

2020-11-04 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello Johann, hello troffers, > > >> General: The toc is interlinked but clicking on a xref-item doesn't > > >> bring me to the item. It's now fixed and works with both neatpdf and neatpost: Cheers, Pierre-Jean.

Re: Observations using utmac

2020-11-03 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello Johann, Johann Höchtl wrote: > Is there any technical reason implied by troff why Sx - macros work, as > you already described, by building a forward index whereas the TOC > doesn't and therefore has to go to the end, as any other toc in > single-pass g/troff macros I am aware of? There'

Re: Observations using utmac

2020-11-01 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello John, Thank you for the help. John Gardner wrote: > > It will work when using neatpost and ps2pdf. Neatpdf is great, but as > > far as I know, it does not support pdf links yet. > > It doesn't have to. You can embed PDF-specific features by using PostScript's > pdfmark operator >

Re: Learning troff - where to start?

2020-10-22 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello Johann, Johann Höchtl wrote: > Your help would be very appreciated. BTW How comes that section headings > work as a forward reference? Can I move with utmac the complete TOC to > the frontmatter without using psutils or the likes? The makefile, in the utmac/demo, runs three passes of roff

Re: Learning troff - where to start?

2020-10-22 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello Johann, Johann Höchtl wrote: > .../neatroff/roff  -mu-fonts -mus | ../neatpost/pdf -pa4 > out.pdf u-fonts only contains macros shared by all fonts and does nothing by itself, you should use u-libertine or u-biolinum instead: roff -mus -mu-libertine | pdf -pa4 > out.p

Re: Learning troff - where to start?

2020-10-15 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello alls, I'm a neatroff user, and feels, as a result, compelled to give my opinion. I'll second everyone stating that "Nroff/Troff User Manual" (CSTR 54) is the manual of choice. It's 37 pages of well written documentation, and should cover all your needs: Then, yo

Re: Groff vs Heirloom troff (was Re: Quick question: how to do .index in groff?)

2020-08-01 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Steve Izma wrote: > > As a simple curiosity, to help me improve my typographic eye, could > > you please explain me in which situation you need a higher resolution? > > For almost everything I typeset, especially books and > newsletter-type publications, I always at least a few places > where I ne

Re: Groff vs Heirloom troff (was Re: Quick question: how to do .index in groff?)

2020-08-01 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello alls, Peter Schaffter wrote: > On Fri, Jul 31, 2020, Steve Izma wrote: > > ...I would like to caution people who think that the > > implementation of that algorithm [Knuth-Plass] in groff is going > > to lessen the effort that goes into high-quality typography. > > Again, I agree. That's q

Re: Groff vs Heirloom troff (was Re: Quick question: how to do .index in groff?)

2020-07-31 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello Larry, hello alls, Larry Kollar wrote: > I’m using neatroff for printed fiction, because it directly supports TrueType > (including font features like small caps and extended ligatures) and > paragraph- > at-once justification. Still, I chafe at its low resolution (1/720in vs > Groff’s >

Re: [groff] A poor mans Excel

2019-10-10 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello Troff users, Ralph Corderoy wrote: > > I have written a small perlscript, that preprocesses tables and allows > > to > > > > - add the values in selected collums > > - to replace a table entry by the result of an expression > > Thanks for letting us know. As Mike said, please sho

Re: [groff] troff Address book

2019-03-28 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello Robert, Robert Thorsby wrote: > Why not simply use groff as *one* of the tools to do the job? In your > favourite programming/scripting language extract the data from the > various sources and dump those extracts into a template that contains > all the groff information. That's the kind

[groff] troff Address book

2019-03-27 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Dear groffers and troffers, I'm looking for an address book compatible with troff. What I'd like is to automatically fill fields in a troff source. A bit more complex task would be to create several source files from a list of contacts (to build a bench of letters, for instance). Does anyone kn

Re: [groff] Fonts, PDF images, groff vs. heirloom troff

2019-01-29 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello Roy, Roy Fisher wrote: > On 1/28/19 4:51 AM, Pierre-Jean Fichet wrote: > > masterpieces of typographic details. > > 1) > > While I won't disagree too loudly with the first part, that particul

Re: [groff] Fonts, PDF images, groff vs. heirloom troff

2019-01-28 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Roy Fisher wrote: > The changes that resulted from issue #22 were incorporated into n-t-roff > last year, and it can now produce paragraphs as good as those of the > leading commercial application, at least in my (possibly slightly > biased) opinion. I'm so glad to read these changes are applied.

Re: [groff] Fonts, PDF images, groff vs. heirloom troff

2019-01-27 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hellor Roy, Roy Fisher wrote: > On 1/24/19 12:58 AM, Pierre-Jean Fichet wrote: > > - heirloom paragraph at once adjustment behaves sometimes oddly (and seems > > buggy). > > What sort of odd/buggy issues are you seeing with paragraph adjustment? > Which version

Re: [groff] Fonts, PDF images, groff vs. heirloom troff

2019-01-23 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
aksr wrote: > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 08:27:08AM +0100, Pierre-Jean Fichet wrote: > > Neatroff do both of these. It suports OpenType fonts, but does not offer > > as much control as Heirloom Troff does. > Are you sure about that? Heirloom troff is able to set ligatures with .f

Re: [groff] Fonts, PDF images, groff vs. heirloom troff

2019-01-21 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Richard Morse wrote: > Hi! I’m working on a project where I want to use troff to create > PDFs. I want to use some particular OpenType features (in particular, > a bunch of smart kerning and character substitutions), but I also want > to embed PDF images into the final PDF. > What I’ve discovered

Re: [groff] Regularize (sub)section cross references.

2018-12-17 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello Ingo, hello alls, Ingo Schwarze wrote: > >>> \\$1 .tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ > >>> +.el .tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz > > >> The problem with this, is that it ignores all but english languages. > > > Yup. I'm aware of tha

Re: [groff] Regularize (sub)section cross references.

2018-12-16 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello alls, "G. Branden Robinson" wrote: > \\$1 .tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ > +.el .tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz The problem with this, is that it ignores all but english languages. "élément", for instance, would become "éLéMENT"

Re: [groff] Design and Implementation of *roff

2018-12-03 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Ted Harding wrote: > So, happily inspired, they developed the > text-formatter runoff (--> roff) on Unix, and then > demonstrated to Bell Labs how good it was at formatting > structured documents -- in particular legal documents. > At this point Bell Labs woke up, and adopted Unix! Do we have any

Re: [groff] Design and Implementation of *roff

2018-12-03 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello alls, Actually, neatroff's documentation has a figure which quickly shows where Neatroff's major layers and features are implemented in its source tree: Pierre-Jean.

Re: [groff] Design and Implementation of *roff

2018-12-02 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
John Gardner wrote: > Well, I assume his reasons were to have a Troff variant which supported > right-to-left languages (which, if you think about it, is a pretty glaring > oversight in a typesetting system...) Ali also has tonnes of other > non-trivial projects, so his patience is obviously in gr

Re: [groff] Design and Implementation of *roff

2018-12-01 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
John Gardner wrote: > Reimplementing Troff is a task best not attempted at all. Well, Ali Golhami Rudi made it a few years ago... Reimplementing a Troff is a task people can do if they have reasons to do so. > On Sat, 1 Dec 2018 at 02:37, Yves Cloutier wrote: > > I'm in search of any documenta

Re: [groff] Creating a numbered list without macros

2018-08-22 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello alls, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote: > Note that I'm not saying that you should generally not > write your own macros. On the contrary, I'm all for it. I must say that discussion gave me the uncomfortable feeling that people were advocating against writing personal macros. I think that writing a

Re: [groff] Now online: gropdf / grops previewer

2018-04-26 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
John Gardner wrote: > It's an extension for a text editor named Atom , which is > like Emacs or Vim except graphical. Atom runs on a framework called Electron > , which uses web technologies (HTML/CSS/JS) for > creating desktop applications. This foundat

Re: [groff] Now online: gropdf / grops previewer

2018-04-24 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
John Gardner wrote: > Well, here it is: > It is nice to see our old troff on the web, thank you for the hard work! If I remember correctly your other posts, this previewer is only a part of the online troff editor you are working on, isn't i

[groff] [Utroff] Utmac ported to neatroff

2018-04-15 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello alls, I am pleased to announce you that my macro set Utmac has been ported to Neatroff. And indeed, I must admit it is a pleasure to work with Neatroff! For years, I was using Heirloom Troff, for its ability to format paragraphs at once. Neatroff does that too, in a much more transparent ma

Re: [Groff] French punctuation

2010-05-18 Thread Pierre-Jean Fichet
Hello, I can add some little things about french punctuation: 1) quotes inside quotes In that case, we use english quotes. Usually without spaces, like this: Il a écrit : « Il a dit : “Bonsoir” ». 2) suspension point It seems that in english we should write: dot - short space - dot - short s