How can I check how the characters Postscript font
files define look like? I'd like to use some font
other than the defaults. For that matter how can I
check out what characters groff's font files define
and how they look like?
Yahoo! Mail
I didn't know this sort of spoofing was still
possible. I remember I used to impress friends by
sending them emails as [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a
kid :)
The only thing you could reasonably do is press the
smtp admins to put up authentication, start logging,
accept messages from users with a certain em
Heh, just kidding. I was thinking more along the lines
of the TeX's fonts. Some people are allergic to
anything but TeX so I would enjoy fooling them if that
was possible :-)
Also is it possible to change the font eqn uses for
Also I am interested in a list of documents to read in