Re: ebook format

2021-06-17 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
I've had some success sending a single-page HTML to my Kindle. The Kindle will only accept HTML pages that have no dependencies on external files, i.e., no external CSS, and no external image files, both of which problems can be solved. HTML is obviously nicer than PDF on the Kindle because the

Re: "point size" is not usable as a term

2021-04-18 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
"Pointage"? Like mileage, footage, poundage ... --d Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 9:39 PM, Bjarni Ingi Gislason wrote:   Bug #60403 (closed) unified the writing of "point-size" to "point size".   The problem is, that this coinage does not make sense.   The "poin

Re: [ms] Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM?

2021-01-14 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
d the list because what I have to ask you is important.  I used to work in software licensing compliance professionally, so perhaps I am extra paranoid. At 2021-01-14T06:05:41+0000, Dorai Sitaram via wrote: > Absolutely, do add whatever license is needed; and modify what I have > (bo

Re: [ms] Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM?

2021-01-13 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Absolutely, do add whatever license is needed; and modify what I have (both code and documentation) to suit groff's standards. My repo is purely temporary and meant to ferry the code to you better than email can. --d On Thursday, January 14, 2021, 12:32:19 AM EST, G. Branden Robinson wro

Re: End-of-sentence spacing, for our German readers

2021-01-13 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
I'm used to single-spacing by now, given its ubiquity, but surely the Germans carry their disdain for typographic breathing space a little too far? As in the posted article, paragraphs are difficult to visually separate, lacking as they do both leading horizontal indentation and vertical separa

Re: Specifying short marginal note?

2021-01-08 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Thanks, John! Just what I was looking for (but didn't know how to search for). --d On Friday, January 8, 2021, 05:19:12 AM EST, John A. wrote: On 2021-01-08, Dorai Sitaram wrote: > What's a good way to put a bit of text in the left margin of the > "current" line? With ms, I would d

Re: [ms] Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM

2021-01-06 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
sentence-final periods? Ricky > On Jan 6, 2021, at 11:44 AM, Dorai Sitaram via wrote: > > Thanks, Doug! I've updated to include > your suggestions 2 and 3. > > I am not at all confident that the man page I've added hits the rig

Re: [ms] Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM

2021-01-06 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Thanks, Doug! I've updated to include your suggestions 2 and 3. I am not at all confident that the man page I've added hits the right notes or even uses the correct terminology, but the community can easily correct it to meet its standards. --d O

Re: [ms] Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM?

2021-01-05 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
tence in 1999, but the rouble...? I've added these into the latest --d On Monday, January 4, 2021, 10:43:53 PM EST, Dorai Sitaram via wrote: To avoid emailing updated versions of rfc1345.tmac, I've created a temporary Git repo htt

Re: [ms] Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM?

2021-01-04 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
On Monday, January 4, 2021, 03:12:42 PM EST, Dorai Sitaram via wrote: Indeed it doesn't. (TBH, I've never warmed to the single-character ellipsis as it seems too narrow in most fonts.) I notice Vim's digraph system (which is based on RFC 1345) uses the digraph ,. (comma-follow

Re: [ms] Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM?

2021-01-04 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
ng that it is not in groff either considering groff was originally written by a British person. It is available as \N'188' in the symbol font or as \[u2026]. Denis On Mon, 4 Jan 2021 05:20:26 + (UTC) Dorai Sitaram via wrote: >  Enclosed is my draft for  does.tmac. > > &g

Re: [ms] Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM?

2021-01-03 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Enclosed is my draft for rfc1345.tmac. --d On Sunday, January 3, 2021, 09:27:06 PM EST, Dorai Sitaram via wrote: I'll be happy to write up an rfc1345.tmac and send it to you. I don't think it requires a tremendous amount of maintenance, as the list of mnemonics appe

Re: [ms] Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM?

2021-01-03 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
At 2020-12-14T19:07:06+0000, Dorai Sitaram via wrote: > s.tmac defines a bunch of strings to display extra glyphs if the user > calls the .AM macro.  Most of these glyphs are already available with > standard glyph names, and, as far as I can tell, the only new glyph > defined is the ho

Re: End-of-sentence spacing

2020-12-20 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
I'm not completely sure it's true for all modern applications, but I hope you're right that it doesn't hurt in general to explicitly type two spaces after a sentence. As a dinosaur, that's what I used to do, but trained myself out of it after reading a high-profile tirade scolding me (at least

Re: End-of-sentence spacing

2020-12-19 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Ha! Glad I'm not the only one who is driven up the wall by newlines at the end of every sentence. I've heard this policy touted so many times by folk who are obviously expert (even those who don't troff), and I have no doubt at all it works for them. I just can't read or edit it to save my l

Re: Is .rd implemented at all?

2020-12-17 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Thank you, Keith! --d On Thursday, December 17, 2020, 12:48:35 PM EST, Keith Marshall wrote: On 17/12/2020 14:37, Dorai Sitaram via wrote: >  Wow, this (Oliver's suggestion) actually works.  ... I don't know why I even bother!

Re: Is .rd implemented at all?

2020-12-17 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Wow, this (Oliver's suggestion) actually works.  I get a bunch of diagnostics like this: Use of uninitialized value $file in substr at /usr/local/bin/gropdf line 615, <__ANONIO__> line 95.        Use of uninitialized value $name in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/bin/gropdf line 621,

Re: Is .rd implemented at all?

2020-12-15 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Thanks Dave, for the suggestion. That doesn't seem to be the problem, however, on my machine (Ubuntu 20.10). No-argument cat works as expected. --dOn Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 04:50:01 PM EST, Dave Kemper wrote: On 12/15/20, Oliver Corff wrote: > I have no other version at hand so

Re: Is .rd implemented at all?

2020-12-15 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
he request .rd works as expected. Oliver. On 15/12/2020 19:59, Dorai Sitaram via wrote: > groff.texi mentions the request .rd that's supposed to read user input > mid-run, but I can't seem to get it work at all. No prompt, just quite > ignoration. > > > --d >

Is .rd implemented at all?

2020-12-15 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
groff.texi mentions the request .rd that's supposed to read user input mid-run, but I can't seem to get it work at all. No prompt, just quite ignoration. --d

Add a standard glyph name for hooked o instead of relying on .AM?

2020-12-14 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
s.tmac defines a bunch of strings to display extra glyphs if the user calls the .AM macro. Most of these glyphs are already available with standard glyph names, and, as far as I can tell, the only new glyph defined is the hooked o, (equivalent to Latin small letter o with ogonek).  Both a string

Re: preconv generates a good unicode escape but groff can't find special character

2020-12-07 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Is the problem here really an error in syntax highlighting?  I don't know the intricacies of -mom, but it seems rather that the incorrect style of comment (the one that eats a newline) was being used here.  Eschewing syntax highlighting would have brought the author no closer to recognizing thi

Re: Footnote line length ratio to current line length

2020-12-06 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
The 5/6 may be a relatively recent consensus based on peer monitoring.  UTP doesn't mention 5/6, for instance.  It has its own (slightly less) strange fraction though: 11/12 (see p. 606). When it came to FL, it was a Wild West out there back then, I tell ya. --d On Sunday, November 15, 20

Current location of fixmp?

2020-11-23 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Is there a recent version of the script 'fixmp' mentioned in the MetaPost documentation? (It allows groff to accept MP-generated PS files.) Google points me back to these archives for a 2006 version that no longer works. Thanks--d

.EM found missing

2020-11-15 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
UTP strongly hints that the -ms macros have the end-of-input trap .em pre-set to a defined macro called .EM, with the implication that if the user wants to affect end-of-input behavior they can append or prepend to this macro rather than messing with .em directly. However groff's s.tmac sets its

Changing section header autogenerated by 'refer'?

2020-11-11 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Is there a way to change the text used for the section header inserted by 'refer' before the accumulated references?  By default, it is "References".  Hopefully it isn't hardcoded. --d

Unable to get GROFF_ENCODING to seep through to sourced subfiles

2020-11-09 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
I have GROFF_ENCODING set to utf8, but this only works for the main file processed by groff, not to any subfiles that are sourced via .so . Giving the -s option to groff to force a soelim doesn't work either.   Adding the -k option to force a preconv, whether before or after the -s option, doesn'

Re: [DRAFT] Revised groff ms manual for review

2020-11-07 Thread Dorai Sitaram via
Branden, That's a pretty good guide. Thank you for your effort! When you say points are '(about 1/72")', it probably doesn't hurt to go the extra mile (!) in precision and say '(1/72.27")'. It's shorter (no need for 'about') and more correct. Also I would spell out inches here, as the double-pr

[groff] Getting refer to pass through special Unicode characters

2019-09-24 Thread Dorai Sitaram via groff
I have some some Unicode characters with codes higher than 256 (e.g., smart quotes) that 'refer' chokes on with the message "invalid input character code".    Is there a way to tell refer to just pass them through to stdout? The error happens even if the offending characters don't occur inside th