Hi Robert and Steffen,
At 2021-02-11T23:03:47+0100, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
> Robert Goulding wrote in
> :
> |I've been away from groff for a long time; I think the last time I used it,
> |there was no Unicode support at all. Now I'm interested in using it as a
> |filter from markdown, through
Hi Kurt!
At 2021-02-11T20:08:30-0500, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
> I built groff from a fresh git clone and it built fine. A "make
> check" ended with:
> Testsuite summary for GNU Troff 1.23.0.rc1.204-979f
> ==
Shane --
On Thu, Feb 11, 2021, Shane Bishop wrote:
> I am trying to create a PDF document with the mom macros using the
> PDF_IMAGE macro. I want my images to automatically move to the
> next page when there is insufficient vertical space for them on
> the current page.
>From the docs:
"Mom no
I built groff from a fresh git clone and it built fine. A "make check"
ended with:
Testsuite summary for GNU Troff 1.23.0.rc1.204-979f
Robert Goulding wrote in
|I've been away from groff for a long time; I think the last time I used it,
|there was no Unicode support at all. Now I'm interested in using it as a
|filter from markdown, through pandoc to groff to pdf.
|This is working well for me, except for a handful
Hi all,
I tried sending this earlier and it was rejected. If you get two duplicate
emails somehow, I apologize.
I am trying to create a PDF document with the mom macros using the PDF_IMAGE
macro. I want my images to automatically move to the next page when there is
insufficient vertical space
Hi Wim,
At 2021-02-06T15:55:09+0100, Wim Stockman wrote:
> Updated the hdtbl macro set on https://github.com/wimstockman/GroffTools
> Now the vertical row spacing works , even with rowspans and colspans.
> and is fully backwards compatible with the previous versions If
> someone finds a bug let me
Hi Kurt!
At 2021-02-10T14:03:42-0500, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
[big snip]
Thanks a lot for digging into this! I have committed what _seems_ like
should be a fix based on your extensive description.
If an