> >>> What options are needed to make GNU groff behave the same as
> >>> Mac OS X groff?
Roll back 16 years:
groff --version
GNU groff version 1.19.2
Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Dear All,
>>> What options are needed to make GNU groff behave the same as
>>> Mac OS X groff?
>> Do
>> export GROFF_NO_SGR=yes
>> in the shell and then try your groff command again.
> OK. This works. Thanks.
> So, that is the change between 1.19.2 and 1.22.4?
It is not a change in groff itse
On 05.11.20 21:51, Pierre-Jean Fichet wrote:
Hello Johann,
Johann Höchtl wrote:
Johann Höchtl wrote:
There's no technical reason. And I guess it's a valuable feature
I see. I guess the logic is more or less in place as the Sx-macros to
their job nicely?
Yes it is. One easy trick is