Re: [Groff] text variants

2015-11-16 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> What's the purpose of the \[tno], \[t+-], \[tmu], and \[tdi] > characters? > > groff_char(7) documents these characters as "text variants" of, > respectively, \[no], \[+-], \[mu], and \[di], but provides no hints > about when one might want to use the text variant characters and > when the trad

Re: [Groff] Does groff match my needs?

2015-11-16 Thread Dave Kemper
On 11/14/15, wrote: > Consider wrapping the call to groff at a shell script. It is also sometimes handy to put the groff command and the document in the same file. Basically, at the top of your document, put a short script that strips itself out and runs groff on the rest of th

[Groff] text variants

2015-11-16 Thread Dave Kemper
What's the purpose of the \[tno], \[t+-], \[tmu], and \[tdi] characters? groff_char(7) documents these characters as "text variants" of, respectively, \[no], \[+-], \[mu], and \[di], but provides no hints about when one might want to use the text variant characters and when the traditional version

Re: [Groff] Does groff match my needs?

2015-11-16 Thread Heinz-Jürgen Oertel
Am Samstag, 14. November 2015, 13:45:27 schrieb > > -support for ä,ü,ö,Ä... > \[:a],\[:u],\[:o],\[:A],.. no need for this complicated input method. You can either, use direct latin1 input with umlauts or for utf8 the following: > use preconv in order to translate from an encoding

Re: [Groff] Does groff match my needs?

2015-11-16 Thread Steffen Nurpmeso
wrote: |Joh-Tob Schäg wrote (Wed, 11 Nov 2015 17:32:47 |+0100): |> i seached for an alternative to latex and found groff. Sadly i found |> no IRC or something where i could ask directly. |> But before i invest time in groff or some macro system, i wanted to |> know if it fits my needs. |>