Re: [Groff] \o and \z do not work for -Tutf8

2014-08-07 Thread hohe72
[forward due to wrongly replied privatly -hh-] > Found a lot of lǜlǚ on the net but cannot check my papers this > month. Sorry. Syllables lu/lü and nu/nü may be ambiguous. It's the > only use of ü. Yep. > Wikipedia talks about a ü-free PinYin and Chinese use us-keyboards. Maybe for *ente

Re: [Groff] groff+ms suppress header and footer on next page only?

2014-08-07 Thread Carsten Kunze
> Is there a macro that will suppress headers and footers in groff+ms for > the next page only? No, had been wrong, better would be: .rn PT pT .rn BT bT .de PT . rn pT PT .. .de BT . rn bT BT ..

Re: [Groff] groff+ms suppress header and footer on next page only?

2014-08-07 Thread Carsten Kunze
- Original Nachricht Von: Timothy Groves An: Datum: 07.08.2014 03:44 Betreff: [Groff] groff+ms suppress header and footer on next page only? > Is there a macro that will suppress headers and footers in groff+ms for > the next page only? Maybe you could do on cu