Re: [Groff] {Groff] underlining

2014-07-09 Thread hohe72
Doug McIlroy wrote (Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:10:05 -0400): > (1) Does white space get decorated? Yes. So it can be distinguished from multiple underlinings. > (2) How about punctuation? When part of the string or text. So one can text it on the spot. > (3) Do multiple decorates terminate together

Re: [Groff] underlining

2014-07-09 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Carsten, > I would have no problem with a special groff request with a new name. > But one can't change .ul. I'm not sure Bernd was suggesting .ul change in troff to underline. Even if he was, it wouldn't be accepted so don't fret. :-) Cheers, Ralph.

Re: [Groff] underlining

2014-07-09 Thread Carsten Kunze
Sorry for this duplicate. It is bug. It has been send yesterday 7:30 am and did not arrive after one hour, so I sended it again (yesterday morning). Sorry for inconvenience.

Re: [Groff] underlining

2014-07-09 Thread Carsten Kunze
- Original Nachricht Von: Peter Schaffter An: Datum: 08.07.2014 05:26 Betreff: Re: [Groff] underlining > > At least in ms macros, the ".UL" will underline whatever it is given > > as an argument; but this does not live well with line-breaks. So a > > macro which

Re: [Groff] Are your gropdf and pdfmom man pages installed?

2014-07-09 Thread Dave Kemper
On 7/9/14, James Cloos wrote: > I looked at the build log for sys-apps/groff-1.22.2.ebuild. > > For the man pages which do get installed, there are lines which match > the regex /^Making.+man/. There are none for those two pages. > > And, indeed, there is no reference to or

Re: [Groff] Are your gropdf and pdfmom man pages installed?

2014-07-09 Thread James Cloos
> "DK" == Dave Kemper writes: DK> I finally updated my system-wide groff installation from 1.21 to DK> 1.22.2. I notice that two man pages new in 1.22.2, those for gropdf DK> and pdfmom, were not installed in the upgrade. I looked at the build log for sys-apps/groff-1.22.2.ebuild. For the

[Groff] Invalid HTML on groff website

2014-07-09 Thread Steffen Nurpmeso
Stumbled over during finding the ultimative underline mail-archive entry, why did i look at the source?, but indeed [1] at least embeds a in a , has a useless and keeps a open over boundaries. Just in case noone noticed it yet. Still looks pretty pretty nonetheless and imho. [1]