On Sun, Jun 08, 2014 at 08:01:36PM -0400, Mike Bianchi wrote:
> I want to create a Postscript file with the text turned 90 degrees from
> horizontal.
> :
Many thanks to Clarke, Ralph and Ted (and by indirection, Werner) for all the
pointers. My final form was
shell script:
On 09-Jun-2014 10:15:50 Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Ted wrote:
>> It is, however, possible to rotate parts of a page (keeping the pager
>> as a whole unrotated) if you are using PostScript output.
> Inspired by Werner's
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2003-05/msg00042.html, I
Hi Mike,
Ted wrote:
> It is, however, possible to rotate parts of a page (keeping the pager
> as a whole unrotated) if you are using PostScript output.
Inspired by Werner's
http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2003-05/msg00042.html, I came up
$ cat mike.tr
.pl 4.0i
.ll 2.5i
Using the option "-P-l", as Clarke suggests, is the simplest (and very
straightforward) way to get a document printed entirely in landscape
format (though of course you need to be careful about the page-size
metrics, depending on the formatting).
It is, however, possible to rotate parts of a page
Hi Mike,
> I have the label printer working, so I think this should work:
> groff file >${tmpfile}
> psnup -w4in -h2.5in -l ${tmpfile} >${tmpfile}2
Is that asking psnup to resize the input from its default of A4 to
4x2.5? The text will get a lot smaller along the way?