> I cannot get all polish special characters in postscript output. The
> command I invoke is "groff -k -mom -Tps test.mom >test.ps". I can
> see in the resulting ps file only the characters ć, ó, ł - missing
> are ą, ż, ś, ź, ę, ń.
I suspect that you don't have PostScript fonts which support thos
> I'd like to add
> \" side comments, aligned
> to a few things, e.g.
> .so setup
> .ds HE "Something - " App 8
> and groff is misbehaving if \" starts with tabs and/or spaces.
> There is an escape that can close such things immediately and let me
> use \" all aligne
Hello everybody,
I cannot get all polish special characters in postscript output. The
command I invoke is "groff -k -mom -Tps test.mom >test.ps". I can see
in the resulting ps file only the characters ć, ó, ł - missing are ą,
ż, ś, ź, ę, ń. Exactly the same happens to the corresponding capitals.
Mike Bishop wrote:
I have just spent a happy hour PULLING MY HAIR OUT over misformatted
troff documents on my printers ... which printed perfectly several
months ago.
The problem is that recent versions of ghostscript will (often)
assume a4 paper size, regardless of /etc/paper. This applies
> and groff is misbehaving if \" starts with tabs and/or spaces.
The only situation I can think of where comments can't have
preceding whitespace is ".ds", and this can be worked around
by something like
.de DS
.ds \\$1 \\$2
.ds xx foo bar\" space belongs to string
.DS yy "foo b
I'd like to add
\" side comments, aligned
to a few things, e.g.
.so setup
.ds HE "Something - " App 8
and groff is misbehaving if \" starts with tabs and/or spaces.
There is an escape that can close such things immediately and let me
use \" all aligned at the right.
Just I c