Hey, this looks not so ``official'', but smart;)
> How about:-
> .PS
> r=1
> circle rad r "\s-2A\s+2" shaded "red" outline "green" invisible
> .PE
> Cheers
> Deri
On Friday 10 October 2008 13:43:26 Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > how to draw a circle with red shade and red edge, while the text is
> > green?
How about:-
circle rad r "\s-2A\s+2" shaded "red" outline "green" invisible
Hi Gaius,
> here is another solution:
> .LP
> .PS
> r=0.1
> circle rad r "\m[green]\s-2A\s+2\m[]" shaded "red" outline "red"
> .PE
Yes, much better. And I see from the fine manual that the two can be
circle "\s-2\m[green]A\m[]\s+2" colour "red"
Both works. I prefer to the one from Gaius. Anyway, thanks a lot to you
> > Quick and very dirty, and I'd hope there was a better way that someone
> > points out. Over-print:
> >
> > .PS
> > r=0.1
> > { circle rad r "\s-2A\s+2" shaded "red" outline "green" }
> >
> how to draw a circle with red shade and red edge, while the text is
> green?
circle rad r "\s[-2]\m[green]A\m[]\s[0]" color "red"
Ralph Corderoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Luke,
> > This works, but is not satisfying enough for me. In this case, it
> > draws a circle with green text (what I need) and green edge (*NOT*
> > what I need). My question is: how to draw a circle with red shade and
> > red edge, while t
Hi Luke,
> This works, but is not satisfying enough for me. In this case, it
> draws a circle with green text (what I need) and green edge (*NOT*
> what I need). My question is: how to draw a circle with red shade and
> red edge, while the text is green?
Quick and very dirty, and I'd hope t
>From the manual, I learn a way like this,
circle rad r "\s-2A\s+2" shaded "red" outline "green"
This works, but is not satisfying enough for me. In this case, it draws
a circle with green text (what I need) and green edge (*NOT* what I
need). My question is: how to draw a c