Here's an example of the existing expand option:
.\" groff -Tascii -ms -t
This is an example table.
allbox, tab(#), expand;
C C L.
This is a paragraph in a table. Hopefully it will be long enough to
serve as a useful example.
> >> This patch provides PORPHANS support (if the register has been
> >> defined) for list items.
> >
> > I don't see a patch. Please repost.
> The mailing list ate my attachment. :-)
Larry, I've given you write access to the CVS. Please check it in by
yourself (together with a proper ChangeL
"T. Kurt Bond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've always wanted a tbl column modifier that indicated that the table
> should be extended to the current document column width and any extra
> width allocated to the modified tbl column. This would make it easy
> to have tables as wide as a document