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Would you be willing to create an example illustrating how a versioned
package should look with major version changes? You have great examples for
the minor/patch changes, but I don't see any concrete examples for a major
version bump.
On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 12:20:54 PM UTC-5, Russ Co
Not ideal, but you *could* release a new major version where the "breaking"
change is the import path change. Eg if you are on v3 now, make a v4 folder
and the upgrade to v4 process would involve updating import paths. I
wouldn't do this right away since vgo is just a prototype and could change
I believe the people over at are responsible for
the Slack as well, so I would contact them.
On Monday, November 13, 2017 at 1:41:13 PM UTC-5, Vlad Didenko wrote:
> My phone got stolen, so I am locked out of the
> 2FA.
> Slack tells to
A few things I think are worth considering:
a. If r/golang is deleted, what is going to stop someone else from creating
another go oriented subreddit? And if this happens, will people like bradfitz
having less control be a good thing?
Sure, a new subreddit might not grow as quickly without any
What you are doing seems pretty normal. You could technically parse each
HTML file into it's own template and then just use
in your code instead, but I really doubt what you are doing has a
noticeable performance hit (if it even has
The first bson.ObjectID that you show isn't actually what is stored in the
object, but rather it is hex value of the object ID that is acquired by
It looks like that isn't what gets printed out when marshaling your map,
and instead the IDs are printed out as whatever the raw
As a temporary fix you could create a custom function for when you are
using maps with an int32 key. This is less than ideal but would work
temporarily -
On Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 12:26:46 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> I reported this as issue #204
See the last section of this article where it talks about generics -
It isn't exactly what you are doing but the same idea should work in your use
case. The encoding/decoding code becomes longer but it makes using the data
Hi everyone,
Posting this here to get some general feedback before consuming anyone's
time with a proposal on Github.
The current behavior in the Go tooling is to infer the module name when
running "go mod init" (without a name) inside of
$GOPATH/src/ Here is an exampl
ohir wrote:
> Dnia 2021-05-11, o godz. 11:14:24
> Jon Calhoun napisaĆ(a):
> > it saves me a handful of keystrokes at best - so I understand if it
> doesn't seem
> > worth the effort.
> Right.
> > It feels close enough to the current behavior
et someone familiar
>> with each VCS take charge of that specific PR using existing VCS
>> implementations as a pattern to follow.
>> On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 7:28:11 AM UTC-4 ohir wrote:
>>> Dnia 2021-05-11, o godz. 11:14:24
>>> Jon Calhoun napis
;t be inferred from the location within $GOPATH/src.
> On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 11:01 AM Jon Calhoun wrote:
>> I suspect that the VCS path gives nearly the same level of confidence in
>> practice. My personal experience shows that it is pretty rare for the two
>> not to
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